PROCESS CONTROL STANDARDS PROGRAM - PCSP The purpose of the ICI Process Control Standards Program (PCSP) is to offer and provide Precision Investment Casting (PIC) foundries a mechanism for self-evaluation of their process control, thereby, enhancing their industry effectiveness, profitability and overall performance while providing an ongoing means of facilitating process improvement.
PCSP offers three levels of certification: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Foundries may self-certify to the Bronze level. The higher levels, Silver and Gold, require independent third-party review to attain certification. Certification is valid for a period of two years.
PROCESS CONTROL CERTIFIED SURVEYOR - PCCS Each participating foundry must have an internal Process Control Certified Surveyor (PCCS) to participate in the Program. The internal PCCS is authorized to conduct PCS Surveys in the foundry in which he or she is employed and request facility self-certification from the ICI to the PCS Bronze level. To certify to Silver or Gold levels, a third-party survey is required and must be performed by an Independent PCCS.
Participating facilities select one of their own employees for PCS training and subsequent PCCS certification. The designated employee must complete and submit a PCCS Training and Certification application to the ICI. Please note that General Manager or equivalent signature is required.
Independent PCCS positions are individuals that have a minimum of 10 years working in an investment casting foundry, they are well versed in process control and six-sigma principles and are no longer affiliated with an investment casting foundry or a material or equipment supplier. For further qualifications and position requirements, please review the Independent Surveyor Job Description.