Member Types
Regular (Casting) Members
North American manufacturers of investment castings. Regular members vote on articles of incorporation and all matters and motions proposed at membership meetings, as well as for Regular Member Directors.
Associate (Casting) Members
Manufacturers of investment castings located outside of North America. Associate Members do not have voting privileges but may vote on special assessments brought before the general assembly.
Regular Affiliate Members
North American suppliers of equipment, products and services to the industry. Regular Affiliate Members vote on articles of incorporation and all matters and motions proposed at membership meetings, as well as for Regular Affiliate Member Directors.
Associate Affiliate Members
Suppliers of equipment, products and services to the industry located outside of North America. Associate Affiliate Members do not have voting privileges but may vote on special assessments brought before the general assembly.
Hybrid Member
Hybrid Membership pertains to Companies applying for membership for foundries operating on multiple continents. If the applicant has operations located in North America, that operation will be designated as the main point of contact for dues related financial transactions. If no such North American operation exists, then the lead international operation will be designated as the main point of contact for this purpose.
Please contact the ICI at 201-573-9770 or email [email protected] for information.
Please contact the ICI at 201-573-9770 or email [email protected] for information.
Allied Professional Member
ICI offers membership to investment casting industry customers, on a site-by-site location at a significantly reduced rate when compared to foundries and industry suppliers. This membership category entitles approved applicants with full access to Members-Only privileges, including but not limited to Training Programs, Event Discounts, and INCAST Magazine.
Service on the ICI Board of Directors and voting rights are the exclusive right of North American foundries (Regular Members) and North American investment casting industry suppliers (Regular Affiliate Members).
Allied Professional Membership is not available to those customer sites with investment casting foundries. These locations are encouraged to apply for Regular Membership in the Investment Casting Institute.
Service on the ICI Board of Directors and voting rights are the exclusive right of North American foundries (Regular Members) and North American investment casting industry suppliers (Regular Affiliate Members).
Allied Professional Membership is not available to those customer sites with investment casting foundries. These locations are encouraged to apply for Regular Membership in the Investment Casting Institute.
Allied Member
An Allied Member is either a university or an organization whose is not eligible for another membership category but whose affiliation with the Institute is of mutual benefit. As a result, this Membership Category is complimentary.
On an annual basis, the Executive Director will review Allied Member contribution to the Institute to determine whether Membership renewal is warranted.
On an annual basis, the Executive Director will review Allied Member contribution to the Institute to determine whether Membership renewal is warranted.
ICI Individual Membership Eligibility
To be eligible for Individual Membership in the Institute, the applicant must not be employed by a member eligible company. Eligibility for Individual Membership is determined by the Executive Director on a case by case basis. Individual Members may not vote or hold office.
Students are also eligible for Individual Membership in the Institute. The applicant must be a student in an accredited college or university. Eligibility for membership is determined by the Executive Director on a case by case basis. Students may not vote or hold office.
Students are also eligible for Individual Membership in the Institute. The applicant must be a student in an accredited college or university. Eligibility for membership is determined by the Executive Director on a case by case basis. Students may not vote or hold office.